September 2017 Income Report

September 2017 Side Hustle Income Report and More

Happy Halloween Profiteers! Today is an extra special day for my family, as it's also my daughter's birthday! I'm so excited to celebrate today, but didn't want to end the month without reviewing last month's financial results. Let's dive in and take a look.

Why in the world do you share your income publicly?

When I started this website back in 2008, I had just left a job working as a bank manager. I learned a ton about misunderstood parts of banking and personal finance that I decided it was time to share what I had learned. I was the guy who decided if your mortgage was approved, after all, something most people never see firsthand.

I read other personal finance blogs as I worked to pay off my car loan (which I did in half of the five year term), pay off my student loans (two years and six days after graduation), and conquer other financial challenges. I realized reading those other sites that I had a unique perspective thanks to my background, and to build trust with you, I am completely transparent on how I deal with my own finances.

Since the beginning of 2012, I have shared my online earnings from my side hustles as they grew and turned into my full-time job. While it is now my primary income, I continue to share every month to show you what is possible if you put your mind to it. Side hustle income has changed my life, and I like to show you how in these monthly updates. Prior to 2012, I shared my net worth monthly and you can see how my online income started coming together.

If it’s your first time stopping in, you can see a history of my online income reports here going back to February 2012 when I brought in $739 online. I did a whole lot better this month, but you’ll have to keep reading to find out exactly how much better and how I did it!

Most popular posts for new readers:


On Sunday I returned home from the 7th annual FinCon conference. The conference is all about financial blogging and the media, and for me it is the single biggest event of the year. My business would not exist as it does today if it were not for FinCon, and for very good reason. When I started this little blog nine years ago, it was a fun hobby and passion project, but far from the source of a six-figure income. I learned much of what I know about turning my online brand into a business at FinCon, and it is a place I have so many amazing friends that I couldn't ever imagine missing a year.

This year, I hosted a panel at the first ever CardCon, a kickoff event for the conference focused on all things credit and credit cards. I interviewed PR leaders from Capital One and Barclaycard to discuss how the media can better work together with the card industry. Friday night was Ignite FinCon, which I organized, hosted, and spoke at. I came home exhausted with a cold, but it was worth it. Seeing clients in person is immensely valuable to my freelance work.

Project Updates

Writing – Fall has gone well here at Narrow Bridge Media HQ. Even with a week away from the keyboard at FinCon, I still managed to get past my goal of $10,000 per month. A year ago this month was my first five figure month, and I love that I'm at 11 for 12 for the last calendar year. I met some potential new clients at FinCon and will hopefully see my income increase over the next few months.

Speaking – I was on stage a couple of times at FinCon, not including the ending party where I kicked the DJ out of the booth and made sure we had a blowout ending to the conference. I have a new baby on the way in December, so I have no travel plans for the next few months at least. Speaking is on pause until we welcome baby #2 and things calm down.

Money Mola – We were all set to launch at the start of October, but then our ACH provider Dwolla told us we were too high risk and could not use their platform to transfer money for our users. We found a new provider, but launch is delayed yet again. Hoping to be live within three months with our new provider.

Entrepreneurial Income Breakdown

Every month since 2012, I have given a breakdown of my online earnings. Since leaving my job in April 2016, this is my family's primary income. Prior to that date, it was a side hustle. If you are a new visitor, check out my entire history of income reports going back to 2012 here.


Personal Profitability Income – Advertising

  • Affiliate Marketing – $9
  • Direct Ad Placements – $170

Freelance Income

  • Writing Services – $12,120
  • Website Support – $0 (just doing a few projects here and there)

Side Hustles

  • Product Sales – $2
  • Flipping – $30
  • Premium Plugins – $0
  • Denver Flash Mob – $0

Gross Profit – $12,331

Thanks to a huge project, I actually hit my $10,000 goal on week three of the month. It was so nice going into the last week of a month knowing everything I earned was gravy on top of my goal. I was chatting with my Dad the other day about my future first $20,000 month. I'm dreaming big!

EXPENSES (Does Not Include My Paychecks, Taxes, or Health Insurance)

  • Advertising – $83
  • Bank Charges and Payment Fees – $1.50
  • Business Licenses and Permits – $0
  • Computer and Internet Expense – $684
  • Conference Fees – $209
  • Meals & Entertainment – $103
  • Money Mola Related Expenses – $30
  • SG&A – $0
  • Outsourced Labor – $664
  • Postage & Shipping – $9
  • Professional Services – $0
  • Telecom Expense – $131
  • Travel – $0
  • Total Expenses – $1,604

Total Revenue $12,331 Total Expenses $1,604, Profit Before Tax $10,727

Check out my full history of income reports here.

Financial Planning & Analysis

This month my profit was over $10,000, where most months my revenue is above the $10,000 mark and profits are somewhere in the $8,000 to $9,000 range. I have to be honest, it does feel great to see my profit number above my revenue goal. As the year is winding down, it is making me think more about next year's goal. Maybe it should be a profit based goal instead of a revenue based goal, but no matter what it is, it is going to be a higher hurdle than I have this year.

After meeting a lot of amazing companies at FinCon last week, I have high expectations for what I can pull off in the coming months and 2018. But today, it's family time!

Until next time, stay profitable.

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