9 Tips for Thrift Store Shopping
The country is buzzing about thrift store shopping. Did you miss the message? Where else can you get your grandma’s jumpsuit for $7?
The country is buzzing about thrift store shopping. Did you miss the message? Where else can you get your grandma’s jumpsuit for $7?
If you’ve felt like your grocery expenses have increased in the past few months, you’d be right on the money. Food prices have been on the rise worldwide.[1] Affording the same groceries without increasing your spending is getting more difficult — but if you’re willing to be flexible, there are ways to reduce your grocery bill. All it takes is some planning, self-control, and careful shopping.
8 Ways Cut Back on Your Monthly Grocery Expenses Read More »
Last weekend, I went to a local computer specialty store to research a few items that I need to buy. I was surprised by how helpful my phone was in researching not only price, but other factors that went into my purchase decisions as well.
I can admit that I have been guilty of the occasional impulse buy. Impulse spending can add up fast, and usually leads to clutter that you don’t want, so it is important to know how to do it the right way.
Slice is a new and useful website that can be used to track your online shopping habits. Like Mint or Adaptu, Slice brings everything you need to know to one place from multiple websites. Like TripIt, Slice can grab your information from your Gmail or Yahoo inbox automatically so you don’t have to remember to update your account.
I have something to admit. I hate grocery shopping. I hate it more than almost anything. However, it is something that you have to do from time to time. Last night I was hungry, so after a seven week hiatus I made the trek to the grocery store. It got me thinking…