Debbie Drum is a repeat entrepreneur and author of the book Read Better Faster. Learn more about how she improves everything from reading to running an online business more efficiently in today's podcast episode with special guest Debbie Drum.

Episode 86: Debbie Drum on Becoming a Better Entrepreneur

This week we welcome Debbie Drum, a multiple time entrepreneur who wrote the book on reading better and faster at the same time. Her goal is to help entrepreneurs like you get more done in less time, and speed reading is just scratching the surface. Join me as I talk to Debbie Drum about speed reading, publishing a book, and what she does to succeed in her business every day.

What We’re Chatting About This Week

Today we're tackling a topic I love: getting more done in less time! Debbie Drum is a multiple-time entrepreneur and the author of Read Better Faster. Some of the best entrepreneurs in the world are famous for reading a lot, like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. But how do you find the time? We'll tackle that question and Debbie's recommendations in this episode! We're also covering some other cool topics, like setting up systems to be more productive – check out the episode for all of Debbie's great tips!

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Today's episode is brought to you by LootCrate. Get fun and geeky goodies delivered to your door each month featuring exciting brands like Star Wars, DC Comics, The Goonies, Power Rangers (yes!), Lord of the Rings, The Legend of Zelda, and more. Give it a try at

This Week’s Guests

Debbie Drum is a Bestselling author, speaker, coach and product developer. She has been marketing online since 2010 and loves working with marketers to better their business, get more exposure, and sell more of their products and services online.

Debbie’s first dollars online came from the wonderful world of Book Publishing and then morphed into Information Product Development, Software Development and working with high end clients in the Internet Marketing Industry.

Debbie loves everything about Internet Marketing and is always working on crafting her skills to help others succeed.

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Eric Rosenberg
Eric is the founder and editor of Personal Profitability. He left his corporate finance job in 2016 to take his online side hustle full-time and now earns a six-figure online income.
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