I recently had the pleasure of sitting down to read Hill Harper’s new book, “The Wealth Cure.” The wealth cure takes an interesting look at personal finance compared to many of its counterparts. Rather than have an old rich guy tell you that paying your credit cards on time and skipping Starbucks will make you rich, Harper focuses on the more personal side of personal finance.
From the beginning of the book, Harper’s message is clear. Money is an important tool to live our lives. It can bring us possessions and experiences that will make us happy, but it is not something that can make us happy on its own.
The book is laid out to treat your money habit as a disease. It leads you through a journey of discovering how money impacts your life and how you can change your outlook. You go from diagnosing and treating your money problems to thriving from a focus on wealth and greater goals in life.
I was personally touched by the first story in the book where Hill discusses the money spent on a night out in Hollywood. As a frequenter of Denver’s night life, I know how easy it is to get wrapped up in the moment and spend far too much money without blinking. It is not until a few days later when the night shows up on your credit card that you realize how much you spent and what you got from the experience.
This book is not for someone looking for a cookie cutter method to get your finances on track. As Harper mentions in the forward, there are many books already like that. If you want to automate or change your financial structure, find another book. The book does have a dose of real finance, but it is not the primary focus.
This book is written for someone who wants to take a deeper look at the psychology of wealth and the impact money has on your life. It will help you discover whether your spending habits are healthy and whether they make you happy. It will help you consider what you do with your money and what value your finances bring to your life.
What I Liked:
I like the short chapters which each bring an interesting perspective on a financial issue in a narrative that is both touching and personal. In almost every story, I was able to relate the message to either my life or someone I know.
I like the overall message, which is a fresh change from the Dave Ramsey and David Bach self-help messages. While those are great authors as well, it is nice to have this type of variety in personal finance writing.
What I Didn’t Like:
At some points, the book does seem a bit preachy. Everyone is going to have a different background and financial situation. Some people might feel judged by Harper for how he judges other people’s spending and lifestyle habits.
I think this is a great book. It is a quick read that will make you think about how your financial system is working for you. I think that the best books are ones that inspire real reflection and action, and this book brings both to the table.
You can purchase Hill Harper’s book, “The Wealth Cure,” at any major book seller. I was provided a free copy of the book for review.