Have you ever thought about the steps people take to become successful? In this episode, I talk to Mike Trotzke of Cheddar about entrepreneurship, the steps Mike took before he became the CEO of Cheddar, and more.

PPP093: The Path to Entrepreneurship with Mike Trotzke

Mike Trotzke is CEO of Cheddar, and has run multipole successful businesses in the past. I loved his story and it even inspired me! Learn how Mike went through multiple businesses and solved his own problem with the founding of Cheddar. Learn more in this week's episode of the Personal Profitability Podcast.

What We’re Chatting About This Week

One of my passions is serial entrepreneurship – aka starting companies again, and again, and again. Luckily, I get to talk about serial entrepreneurship again today with our guest, Mike Trotzke. Mike has started several businesses and is currently the CEO of Cheddar, a payments company. Fun fact: payments was actually the last industry I was in before I left to become a full-time entrepreneur!

In this episode, we will talk about entrepreneurship, the steps Mike took before he became the CEO of Cheddar, and more. Often, the steps we take before we get to success are just as (if not more) important than the steps we take after we've established success.

Have you missed an episode? You can always find previous episodes and show notes here on Personal Profitability. Also, don't forget to check out my free Personal Profitability Bootcamp – check it out here!

This Week’s Sponsor

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This Week’s Guests

Mike Trotzke is a serial entrepreneur and investor with a passion for technology, user experience, and monetization. Today, he focuses his efforts on helping startups monetize as the CEO of Cheddar, an API-driven and usage-based billing platform.

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Eric Rosenberg
Eric is the founder and editor of Personal Profitability. He left his corporate finance job in 2016 to take his online side hustle full-time and now earns a six-figure online income.
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