If you work online, you know how important it is to #getpaid. But what's the easiest way to get paid? We break it down for you -

PPP111: How to Get Paid for Work Online

Welcome to episode 111, how to get paid for work online. If you're an online entrepreneur, you know how difficult it can sometimes be to get paid online! That's why, in episode 111 with my friend Whitney, we talk about the best ways to make sure you get paid online!

What We’re Chatting About This Week

Are you ready to get profitable?! Episode 111 is here and we're bringing back our fun and peppy friend, Whitney Hansen! Today, we're talking profitability, not profiteering (there's a difference – you'll have to take a listen!)

Specifically, we're talking about getting paid online! If you're an online entrepreneur, chances are you want to get paid – but what happens when getting paid online is more difficult than you anticipated? We're talking about getting paid – how to get paid, the best ways to get paid (and the number one worst way!) and more.

Also, don't forget to check out the Personal Profitability YouTube channel, where I feature 2 Minute Money episodes every Friday! You definitely don't want to miss them and, at two minutes long, they're easy to digest and implement.

This Month's Guest

Whitney Hansen is a personal finance coach and entrepreneur. She teaches overwhelmed millennials how to pay off debt and be financially independent by giving them the tools to have more fun with money and sprinkling in a little silliness. Some of Whitney's accomplishments are paying off $30,000 in 10 months, buying her first home at 19, and paying $472 for her master's degree.

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Eric Rosenberg
Eric is the founder and editor of Personal Profitability. He left his corporate finance job in 2016 to take his online side hustle full-time and now earns a six-figure online income.
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