How is dating like investing? It turns out, they have a lot of similarities and, if you can date, your can invest! Don't believe me? In this episode, I catch up with Spencer Chambers about his new book, investing, and more!

PPP104: How Investing is Like Dating with Spencer Chambers

This week's guest is sure to blow your mind – in addition to being a successful entrepreneur, he's also a world traveler, started his own clothing company (hint: under your clothes!), and he's an author on dating + investing. Spencer Chambers is my guest this week, and stick around to hear his tips on being a successful entrepreneur and more!

What We’re Chatting About This Week

Welcome to episode 104 of the Personal Profitability Podcast! I'm excited to welcome this week's guest to the show, Spencer Chambers – this is going to be a really cool episode. Spencer is the founder of the Chambers Organization, plus he started his own underwear line – yes, underwear line! Spencer is a passionate entrepreneur (and an author!). We'll cover a lot in this episode, so stick around!

This Week’s Guest

Spencer Chambers is the author of Dating Your Investments, the first in his Dating series, entrepreneur, and the successful CEO of The Chambers Organization. Providing his strategic expertise in investments, sales, and building, Spencer has positioned himself to become a leader in the real estate industry.

Spencer has also traveled the world extensively in the fashion industry promoting his underwear line Jewls for your Junk as well as the fashion line Nexy. He currently resides in Southern California with his wife and son.

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How is dating like investing? It turns out, they have a lot of similarities and, if you can date, your can invest! Don't believe me? In this episode, I catch up with Spencer Chambers about his new book, investing, and more!

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Eric Rosenberg
Eric is the founder and editor of Personal Profitability. He left his corporate finance job in 2016 to take his online side hustle full-time and now earns a six-figure online income.
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