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Welcome to Personal Profitability, your home for learning to make the most of your money. Keep going to find articles, podcasts, and videos made to help you earn more and use every dollar to live your best life.
An important mission of Personal Profitability is to save you time, money, and stress when dealing with your personal finances.

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What is Personal Profitability?
Living our dreams, pursuing our own meaning of life, and living a rich life all have one thing in common, it is nearly impossible to do it while you are broke. Whether your dream is having a huge family, traveling to every country, changing the world for the better, becoming your own boss, or following a journey unique to yourself, you need a way to pay for it.
Through the pursuit of personal profitability, you can live a rich life.
You Can Live a Rich Life
Personal profitability is not about get rich quick schemes. It is not about an instant formula for financial success. It is about building long-term wealth and financial independence so you can join a small, growing group of people who want to live the life they want without slaving countless hours on work they don't care about. Let's throw out the idea of working hard until you are 70 years old so you can enjoy the last ten years of your life in comfort. We should enjoy our lives today!
Personal profitability is about managing the two biggest parts of your finances: your inputs (income) and your outputs (spending and expenses).
You don't have to live a crazy frugal life spending only cents per day to live a rich life later. Through the art of mindful spending, you can live a rich lifestyle today. Focusing on what you really care about, whether it is travel, family, or your passions, you can cut wasteful spending and use your money on what you really care about.
You can only budget and cut spending so much before you hit a point where cutting more will lower your standard of living. We should budget and monitor our spending, but not the point where we are not living our lives to the fullest. To make up the difference, we can become financially independent through savings, investments, entrepreneurship, and side income projects.
I worked a full-time day job while building income-generating side projects. That income has funded trips to Europe, Israel, all over the United States, and allows me to live an even richer life than I could off of my day job income alone. The great thing about side income is that you can do it too!
Whether you spend your days stressing about bills, credit cards, student debt, and mortgage payments or have never thought about a long-term financial plan, it is never too late to start living a rich life.
Today can be your day one.
At Personal Profitability, I believe in controlling your financial future. Money shouldn’t be something you stress over. If you plan, set small, measurable goals, and do a little bit of work here and there, you can live a fulfilling life without financial worries. You can save time, money, and stress dealing with your finances. Stop working for your money, put it to work for you.
So, whether you found this site because you are struggling with your own financial demons, want to take control of your future, or just have a little financial curiosity, it is time to start your own personal profitability project.
Want to know more about earning more, spending mindfully, and living a rich life? Join hundreds of others committed to improving their lives through the Personal Profitability Project.
Let’s get started. It is time to follow your dreams and live a rich life.