Mailbox - Inbox Zero

Reach Inbox Zero and Conquer Your Email with Zero Inbox Week

Some long-time readers may remember a series of posts I wrote called โ€œinbox clutter week.โ€ The goal of the week was to wrangle and manage your emails to reach inbox zero or have a completely empty inbox. I have leveraged that post series to create a brand new email course called Zero Inbox Week. The idea is simple. Each day for a week, you get an email delivered with tips to get your email under control. By the end of the week, we should all be down to an inbox with zero emails and have a system in place to keep it under control.


Save Money with Inbox Zero

Missing important emails can cost you serious money. If you miss a note from your bank or credit card company, you could be losing hundreds of dollars due to missed payments, late fees, and implications for your credit score.

Even more, inbox clutter can suck up a lot of time and cause completely unnecessary stress. Avoid the stress and save money with better inbox management. In the course, I discuss the tools and best practices I use myself to avoid inbox clutter completely. Come join me and reach inbox zero!

Free Inbox Zero Course

This course is designed to help you save time and headaches. Oh yeah, and it is 100% free. There is nothing to buy. It takes about 30 seconds to sign up, and the course begins tomorrow.

It really is that easy. No strings attached. Join me next week in getting your email under control. You can sign up at any time and will always receive the same course materials, even if you miss the first week.

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Eric Rosenberg
Eric is the founder and editor of Personal Profitability. He left his corporate finance job in 2016 to take his online side hustle full-time and now earns a six-figure online income.

2 thoughts on “Reach Inbox Zero and Conquer Your Email with Zero Inbox Week”

  1. I used to be really good at my email but it has gotten harder over time. I keep some messages marked as unread now to help me remember to follow up. ๐Ÿ™‚

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