How to Start a Blog that Doesn’t Suck

I have spoken at two Ignite events before, Ignite Chanukah and Ignite Denver, and have my third planned for the Financial Blogger Conference in September. I am excited to share with you the awesome video of me telling Denver how to start a blog that doesn't suck. Even if you think your blog is pretty sweet, you can probably learn a thing or two from this talk. Or at least be entertained.

10 thoughts on “How to Start a Blog that Doesn’t Suck”

  1. Great job! Rapid fire tips, very smooth, clear voice, and way to work the crowd! Are you gearing up for longer talks?

    1. I would be interested in longer talks if they come up, but the rules of Ignite are very strict. 5 minutes, 20 slides, 15 second timer per slide.

    1. Thanks! I took public speaking in college, but it always came natural to me from a young age. I love getting up in front of the crowd.

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